Michael Reardon shares some tips and advice regarding towing tenders behind your yacht.

Tenders are awesome in enhancing yachting in general, whether it’s transporting gas, taking people out fishing, being used for scuba diving, or much more.

Things to know about towing a tender:

  1. The insurance companies by and large really don’t like them, even though they do insure them.
  2. There is the actual towing of the tender, while there is also complying with your insurance and understanding the limitations of insurance.
  3. There are insurance companies that say “no hull and machinery coverage,” but you would have the liability coverage. Then there are some insurance companies that will say that they aren’t even covering towed tenders anymore.
  4. In order to tow a tender, you have to submit a tow plan and explain exactly how you are towing the boat. The captain is responsible for giving that information to the insurance company.

Again, towing a tender truly enhances your yachting experience. While they are worth having, these are some of the things that you should know when you have them, and as you’re considering getting them.

For further information regarding towed tenders, or yachting in general, feel free to contact us at (954) 839-6001!